Dishwasher Tablets


I know, I totally feel silly because we’ve been buying dishwasher tablets out of automation... this is one of the last items in our house that I’ve been wanting to overhaul so HELLO no-tox dishwasher tablets 👋🏻 So happy to have you onboard 🏡😆
And I hear what you’re saying 👂🏻
“I don’t have time to do DIY” ❌
Well I normally do my DIY while my kiddies eat their breakky or lunch as they sit at the bench and love to watch me 👀 plus I ❤️ including them in our little DIY projects - if it’s important to us then we manage to make the time #noexcuses 😉✨
1/4 cup citric acid
1 cup baking soda
1 tbsp OnGuard cleaner concentrate
5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
Combine all ingredient in a mixing bowl & mix together. Place in silicone mods & let sit for 4+ hours. Store in an airtight container.
📖 recipe source: doTERRA Natural You book