Nature Painting


My 3yo and I went for a bush walk and collected 'treasures'; sticks, stones and leaves that she could use with her paints.
Plus we made a batch of non-toxic paint from @theorganisedhousewife and coloured it with what was in our pantry:
💛 turmeric ❤️paprika 💚chlorophyll 💜beetroot latte mix

I layed out a piece of cardboard (from an old box) and my 3yo had fun experimenting with the sticks, stones and leaves as painting tools and the different colour and textures from the natural paints 🤗

A simple activity that started off with a treasure hunt in the bush which reminded us of the beauty that surrounds us when we take a moment to pause 🌈 and how easy it can be to utilize what we already have at home... plus the clean up with this activity was easy peasy #winning 🎨❤️

Paint recipe is here: