My heart is full as we click ‘publish’ and we boldly launch this website.

In October 2017, I was made redundant from my corporate job while I was on maternity leave with my second daughter. At that stage, we had been using the oils for 11 months and I had dreams of creating an oil business but my priorities were to return to my ‘safe’ corporate job and juggle being a Mum to two young girls and then get the wheels in motion for my oil business… which probably would have been thrown on the back burner!

Well the Universe had a different plan for me and instead of being put on the back burner, I was made redundant and with the support of my hubby, we decided to START what we now know is ‘A Zest for Life with Steph’.
There was a lot of healing that had to happen in those coming months because my confidence was knocked and I was shattered emotionally plus I felt the immense financial pressure of ‘am I doing the right thing’ because I was stepping outside of my comfort zone -  feeling the fear and doing it anyway. I also felt pangs of guilt because I questioned if I was being ‘selfish’ for pursuing my passion… so many thoughts in those first few months and as the months flew past, I continually grew even more certain that we had made the BEST decision for me and our little family.

Fast forward to today, February 2019 and my physical and mental health is my priority and is the BEST it has ever been and my own healing journey has led me to share my personal experiences and show that change is possible if you CHOOSE.

I am consciously tapping into cultivating more happiness in my life... and I know that starts with me (inside and out). Life will continue to throw curve balls as #lifeisarollercoaster (Ronan Keating song 🎶) but I have chosen to lean into this paradigm shift AND you know what, the biggest change started when a friend handed me a bottle of DigestZen #thankyoumothernature #plantmedicine 🙌🏻

This is a team effort. My hubby has worked tirelessly trying to crack the ‘codes’, like literally, on his Uni break (as he prepares to move into the last Semester of his study) to help create this website.

This is our passion project. And I am so proud that we have been able to launch our website to kick off 2019.

And this is ‘only the beginning’ (Deborah Conway song 🎶)... I am so excited for what is ahead but I am also trying to take deep breaths and live in the moment.

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