We have recently returned from our trip to the Gold Coast... ten days of sunshine, blue skies, beach swims and t-shirts... doesn't that sound like bliss?!

Keeping up with our daily habits for wellness is so important, whether we are at home in Perth or travelling we still want to be able to wash our fruit and produce in a bath of apple cider vinegar and Lemon oil to rid of dirt and pesticides, support peaceful sleep and one of our most important goals is to support our immune system from being in so many public spaces when travelling... because no one wants to be sick on holidays!

Our essential oil haul:
🌱 Ready made ‘master’ bottles; in an empty oil bottle, add all of the drops of oils in the blend you are making. That way, you don't need to have all of the oil bottles on hand, and these 'master' bottles are so handy to keep next to each diffuser.
🌱 Our spritzers: magnesium spray, sleep spray and we brought several bottles of hand sanitizer (to spray public surfaces especially the plane tray table plus our hands) so we have them everywhere 👌🏻
🌱 The top ten oils support so many of the common health concerns in a home so we've bought them with us: muscle tension, digestion, energy, low mood and emotions, sleep and immune support, ear aches, head tension, eye infections... just to name a few!
🌱 Mood management kit because we all want to sleep peacefully and be ultra zen #holidayvibes 🧘🏻‍♀️
🌱 2 diffusers (we took a Lumo for the girl's bedroom and a Petal for the main living are and then our bedroom in the evening) for sleep time and to combat the air con and fragrance sprayed in the Hotel

So altogether, I took two travel cases of our oils, spritzers and rollers in our hand luggage so I could keep a close eye on them 😉👀😍
We travelled domestically so keep that in mind if you are planning to travel internationally.

Just know that your essential oils don't have to stay in a closed cupboard at home while you are on holidays, they want to be included too! Keep up your daily health habits and don't just hit the pause button... continue to support your body with plant medicine whether you are at home or travelling.

I also uploaded a video to IGTV on Insta https://www.instagram.com/tv/B0P4GYZnKG2/

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