After a wild 2018 which was filled with many high's and low's and all of the feels in between, a HUGE highlight of the year was my ever-growing personal development journey and my developing gratitude practice.At the end of the year, I was sparked with huge inspiration and I decided to make a change and consciously lean into flexing my gratitude 'muscle' as my goal for 2019. 
And that is how >> PROJECT 52 << was born ⭐️
Every week in 2019, I had a goal to send one letter of gratitude
to a stranger
to a loved one
to a cherished friend
to someone who I feel hurt by
and it will be a handwritten note as there is so much power in written words 📝
It dawned on me that I wouldn't be standing where I am today, and be the person that I am today without all that has happened and everyone who is still and has been in my life and sending out these gratitude 'love notes' once a week as part of my 'Project 52' for 2019 has honestly been a huge game changer for my mindset ✨
No matter what I am going through in my business or personal life, whether I am in the throws of feeling high or low, feeling stressed or at peace, I find a person to write a thank you letter to. It is an act that is so powerful at shifting your mindset and a selfless one [which is kinda not selfless because of the joy it brings me 🥰].
To actively seek out and find a person whether that be a friend, family member, a person in the community who gifted you an item on our local 'Buy nothing' Facebook page, someone at your local Post Office, grocery store or your kids day care and write a letter to say thank you... thank you for being you, thank you for your service, thank you for doing a great job... simple words that can brighten up someone's day ✉️ ☀️
I wanted my girls involved in OUR 'Project 52' and they know we send thank you notes each week - and of course they LOVE posting them in the big red mail box postbox📮 [which is something that is going out of fashion in our technology obsessed society that we live in 🙈].
A simple act that has not only impacted me but my girls too... this idea started because of a very special lady [Tiffany Peterson] who runs an annual Generosity and Gratitude series [for FREE] which inspired me to create habits in my life to flex my gratitude muscle 💪🏻... forever grateful for you sharing your wisdom and inspiring so many Tiffany 🙏🏻💖

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